As mentioned in This Space before, Blind Muscat spent the first half of the year writing down everything he knows -- and more -- about home winemaking. The "and more" part refers to the dozens of professional winemakers who pass on their own insights on various grapes and tecn hiques along the way.
And now it can be yours:
Books and Buddies
A few days back, while I was busy smiling broadly about publishing my opus on home winemaking, the following email exchange occurred over the course of a couple hours between me and two old high school friends.
Mike, who lives in Toronto, sent out the first note in the series to me, to our mutual friend Gordon in Vancouver, and about 50 other people. I replied to him and Gordon, and from then on, it's just the three of us commenting on the meaning of books and many other things in the modern digital world.
Mike: If you are interested, here is a link to Book Thug interview about my new book, Cosmographia--a post-Lucretian faux micro-epic:
Tim (to Mike and Gordon): And if either of you needs to pick up a useful skill, check out my recent publication, Home Winemaking for Dummies --
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